OpenCandy does not get "installed" on your computer. We are updating our EULA and privacy policy to more accurately explain this. Regarding privacy, we DO NOT collect ANY personally identifiable information (aka PII, see ).

Recommendations are OPT-IN (you won't end up with software you don't want simply by clicking 'Next' or 'Install'). We enable software publishers (like MediaCoder) the ability to recommend a piece of software during installation of their software that they believe their users may find useful.

OpenCandy is NOT spyware ( ), adware ( ) or malware ( ). Thought I'd chime in and clarify a few things. HowTo config: - Drag/Drop a Vid onto UI>Adjust>OK>Convert>Customize Ok for Kids, "L" plates, Or just a Quick Re-Code.
Work with MP4 For the guys who want to rip a DvD to a 700Mb CD in. There are However, More (basic) Apps provided by this Crew. You need to know about Aspect Ratios, Bitrates, kbsec, Framerates, A/v sync, & lots more factors. Well to all the Guys who have "never" worked with Audio/Video before.
It looks Exciting & gives the Impression you will be a Pro in no time. I can see the VISUAL pull to this App by the screener above. Not to do any Encoding, but to see exactly what this App is offering.